Sunday, November 11, 2012

New York Giants vs. Cincinnati Bengals

New York Giants (6-3) vs. Cincinnati Bengals (3-5)

Besides being blown out in Week 1 by the Ravens, the Bengals looked pretty good through the first 4 weeks. Sitting at 3-1 tied with those same Ravens atop the AFC North. Since then it's been all down hill. 4 straight losses all by one score and now they are in a very tough position. A.J. Green has been spectacular but Andy Dalton is struggling, see Cam Newton, in their Sophomore slump. The Giants are defending Super Bowl Champions and usually go through some type of mid season slump. Hopefully for them, their home loss to the Steelers isn't the beginning of that.

It took 2 Super Bowl titles and multiple game winning drives for Eli Manning to get the same recognition his brother gets. While, he went 3 and out last week with the chance to win the game he is still the quarterback I want with the ball late in games. Victor Cruz is the best WR in the league and I think this Giants team won't go through their usual mid-season slump.

A.J. Green has caught a touchdown in every game but one this season. Benjarvus Green-Ellis has fumbled the ball multiple times after not fumbling ever in his career. And Andy Dalton is struggling. With a loss today and probable wins by the Ravens and Steelers the Bengals would ultimately be out of the divisional race. To their dismay, a dominating performance by Eli today will push the Bengals further to the basement of the AFC.

Final Score: Giants-42 Bengals-27

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